Employment Law
April 06, 2022
No matter how you feel about social media, it is here to stay. Many people turn to social media to communicate with others and to...
February 09, 2022
There’s been an uptick in age discrimination in the U.S. recently, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Although this is unfortunate for those...
January 19, 2022
Unauthorized deductions from your paycheck may be unlawful. If your employer has deducted the cost of medical or physical exams, overpayment of wages, uniforms costs,...
December 10, 2021
Many workers know that employment discrimination is not only unfair, but also illegal. Employees should also be assured that they have certain rights regarding discrimination;...
September 03, 2021
A work from home (WFH) schedule offers many benefits to employees. You’re spending less money and aren’t stressing out from a long commute and can...
June 11, 2021
After more than a year living in a pandemic, many workers have grown used to working from home (WFH) and want to continue doing so,...
April 30, 2021
In the early stages of the pandemic, it was up to the employees themselves to keep track of Covid-19 cases. Now, it is the employers’...
February 12, 2021
Most employment is considered “at will.” This means that employees can be fired at any time without any warning and with no cause. However, there...