Many elderly care facilities around the country have been cited for serious violations. It might come as a shock that these facilities have high ratings despite endangering residents. A recent…
California is an at-will employment law state, which means that an employer and employee can both end the working relationship for any reason at any time. You may have a…
Nursing home abuse in San Diego is unfortunately too common and usually leads to serious medical ailments. There are certain steps that family members can take to help protect their…
Dementia is described by the Alzheimer’s Association as “an overall term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough…
If your child has been injured and you have agreed to settle a claim on his or her behalf, you are not done yet – even if you have a…
In a previous post, we suggested tips for confirming that a potential skilled nursing facility or residential nursing home has the appropriate staff to address the needs of elders with…
Law is hard to navigate when you need the Legal System to help right the wrongs against you. The goal of any personal injury and wrongful death case is to…
It can be difficult choosing the right nursing home for your loved ones. You should seek information about previous safety violations and nursing home ratings and reputation before making a…
The elderly residents of nursing homes are often exposed to the risk of abuse or harm. This ranges from intentional emotional and physical abuse to passive neglect because of understaffing…
California is home to the largest number of motorcycles with almost 800,000 registered in the state. The sheer numbers increase the likelihood of devastating and fatal accidents. On average, 400…