When you entrust the care of your loved elder to a nursing home in California, you have the right to expect that the facility they are residing in will be…
By law, the staff members employed by California nursing homes are required to report health changes observed in the elders residing in their facilities. Unfortunately, all too often these changes…
Isolation is a form of Elder Abuse in California, per California Penal Code §15610.43. Elder abuse is a violation of the rights of elders by those charged with caring for…
Governor Jerry Brown made it clear that assisted living facilities in California will be held accountable for violations of state regulations, to the tune of a 100% increase in fines….
Elders being admitted to a long-term care facility, such as a Southern California nursing home, are granted certain rights. These rights are protected by regulations on both the State and…
According to the World Health Organization, dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people. Dementia, which is a syndrome in which there is a…
Unfortunately, in spite of the fact that unnecessarily restraining elders while in a long term skilled nursing facility or nursing home is against the law, countless elders are physically restrained…
This year World Elder Abuse Awareness day falls on June 15th. We sincerely hope that people stand up and take notice of the growing epidemic of financial, physical, and chemical…
Under California law elder abuse is both a criminal and civil offense. Criminal elder abuse describes the willful infliction of physical or emotional suffering on an elder. Civil elder abuse…
In spite of the fact that in California, the use of physical restraints on residents of long term care facilities is illegal, many elders are victims of this type of…