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Signs of Elder Abuse

Nursing Home Resident-to-Resident Elder Abuse and How It Affects the Nursing Home Residents of Southern California

By Walton Law APC Defining Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse, Preventing Elder Abuse, Reporting Elder Abuse, Residents' Rights, Selecting a Nursing Home, Signs of Elder Abuse, Top Attorneys in San Diego No Comments

According to a recent study conducted by Cornell University, 1 in 5 nursing home residents suffer abuse at the hands of their fellow residents. The study is the first of…

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San Diego Seniors are NOT Immune: The Reality of Prescription Medical Abuse

By Walton Law APC Defining Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse, Medication Error, Prescription Medication Misuse, Preventing Elder Abuse, Psychotropic Drugs, Reporting Elder Abuse, Signs of Elder Abuse No Comments

Society erroneously assumes prescription medication is only abused by the younger generations. Studies show, however, prescription drug abuse plagues men and women of all ages, including the elderly. According to…

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Investigation Finds California Elders Being Overprescribed Anti-Psychotic Medication to Treat Dementia

By Walton Law APC Defining Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse, Medication Error, Physical Restraints, Prescription Medication Misuse, Psychotropic Drugs, Reporting Elder Abuse, Signs of Elder Abuse, Top Attorneys in San Diego No Comments

An investigation by ABC 10 in Sacramento has unveiled that powerful tranquilizers are being over prescribed to nursing home residents who are diagnosed with dementia. In fact, studies by the…

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