August 14, 2012
California elder abuse attorneys are increasingly being called upon to litigate claims relating to financial elder abuse. Financial elder abuse law in California has changed...
July 01, 2012
Sadly, stories of seniors being scammed out of money are increasingly common. According to a recent study by MetLife, incidents of senior financial fraud increased...
June 14, 2012
If your loved one is suffering from dementia, you should be sure that any nursing home you may be considering is equipped to care for...
May 31, 2012
The use of physical and chemical restraints in California nursing homes is sometimes a necessary way of protecting patients from injuring themselves and others. When...
April 30, 2012
With the aging of America, more and more older people will be living in nursing homes than ever before. According to available data, there were...
April 10, 2012
In a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it was revealed that the typical nursing home with 100 beds has between 100...
March 26, 2012
According to a report by Masters in Health Care, there are some very disturbing statistics about the long term care facilities that many of our...
February 27, 2012
Approximately 560 nursing homes nationwide received a one-star rating by the federal government for the past three years in a row. The Centers for Medicare...
February 02, 2012
The California Department of Public Health has fined three Los Angeles County nursing homes a total of $235,000 over the alleged poor quality of care...
January 18, 2012
The elderly are prime targets for financial scams. Persons over the age of 50 control over 70% of the nation’s wealth. Yet senior citizens are...
January 06, 2012
Following the death of Johnnie Esco at a Placerville facility, an investigation of similar complaints revealed nearly 150 cases of alleged chart falsification in California...
December 08, 2011
Criminal elder abuse describes the willful infliction of physical pain or mental suffering on an elder. In the absence of intent, criminal abuse also includes...