Perris Brain Injuries

The brain is an incredibly complex, mysterious organ – though it controls most of the critical functions for human life and shapes personality, behavior, memory, and perception, much of the brain’s capabilities and inner workings are unknown to us. Despite being such an important part of the body, though, the brain is remarkably delicate, easily injured, and unpredictable in terms of its capacity to heal. organ which is easily damaged and has unpredictable abilities to heal itself. This makes brain injuries a cause for serious concern no matter now minor the injuries may seem.

Brain injuries are also more common and costly than many people realize – almost 2.8 million people in the United States sustain brain injuries annually at a cost of over $60 billion each year and are responsible for 30 percent of deaths from injury. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can occur from obvious causes like a blow to the head, but other situations involving falls, sports collisions, and even minor traffic accidents are often less apparent but still result in serious injury. If you sustained a brain injury, contact the skilled Perris Brain Injury Attorneys at Walton Law today to see if you may be entitled to compensation.

Perris Brain Injury Accidents

Perris has a Mediterranean climate, which allows residents and visitors alike to spend time outdoors and take advantage of the pleasant weather. The city encourages people spend time outside, as it has 16 public parks with playgrounds or sports fields available for use. There is also the large Lake Perris available for public recreation activities. Perris is also home to thriving motocross and racing culture and has the Perris Raceway, Lucas Oil Motocross park, and the West MX Park within its borders. The large number of activities involving high risk of collisions or falls, combined with the city’s location between California State Route 74 and the busy 215 freeway, mean it’s no wonder there’s an elevated risk of accidents and brain injuries in and around Perris.

What Causes Brain Injuries?

TBIs most commonly occur during a fall, but there are many other situations that often bring about brain injuries. Other circumstances that frequently bring about brain injuries include:

  • Car accidents,
  • Truck accidents,
  • Workplace accidents,
  • Sports collisions, and
  • Mishaps that occur during daily life.

How Will I Know I Have a Brain Injury?

Currently, a medical evaluation is the only recognized method to diagnose brain injuries like TBIs, so it’s important to seek medical help immediately after an incident involving your head. This is important with TBIs because they often present no symptoms right away and can be subtle when they do appear. Common symptoms may include dizziness, nausea and vomiting, sleep or behavior changes, headaches, and seizures.

How Do I Recover for My Brain Injury?

The most common way Perris brain injury victims recover is proving another’s negligence caused their injuries. Once negligence is established, the defendant is liable for all provable damages unless there is a valid legal defense. To prove negligence, you must show it is more likely than not:

  • The defendant owed you a legal duty of care;
  • The defendant breached their legal duty by act or omission; and
  • The breach actually caused your harm.

What is My Perris Brain Injury Case Worth?

After proving negligence, you must prove your damages in court. Compensatory damages are meant to make you whole for your injuries and may be awarded for quantifiable economic harms. These damages are particularly important for brain injury victims, because the unpredictable and enduring nature of these injuries means victims often incur astronomical medical expenses and may or may not be able to ever return to work (or have anywhere near their earning capacity prior to the injury). Economic damages include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages and lost earning capacity;
  • Funeral expenses; and
  • Property damage.

These damages can also be awarded for more abstract injuries that reflect mental, emotional, or psychological trauma such as:

  • Pain and suffering;
  • Loss of consortium; or
  • Disfigurement.

Punitive damages, designed to punish a defendant bad behavior and discourage repetition the conduct going forward, may be awarded to some victims as well. There is a high threshold of proof for punitive damages because there is no statutory limit on the amount that may be awarded. A victim must prove the defendant acted with malice, oppression, or fraud before a judge or jury may decide whether to award punitive damages along with the award amount. Satisfying this burden of proof can be tricky, so it’s a good idea to seek the help of a skilled Perris Brain Injury Attorney to avoid costly legal missteps.

What Should I Do if I was Involved in an Accident?

Though it may seem overwhelming and the last thing you want to do right after an accident, being proactive and taking a few simple steps can greatly help your health and the health of any legal claims you may bring for your injuries.

Get Medical Attention

Seek medical attention as quickly as possible following an accident. You need to be evaluated even if you believe you were not injured and treated for any injuries. This is especially important with head injuries, because TBIs often delay in presenting symptoms. Comply with all your treatment provider’s recommendations and instructions, take medication as prescribed, and attend all your scheduled follow-up appointments.

Collect Evidence Regarding Your Injuries and the Accident

If possible, photograph the accident scene and your injuries. Get contact information for any witnesses. Notify the police and give a detailed statement – you can get a copy of their report from the police department that responded to the accident and took your statement. Retain a copy of every medical record generate, receipt for expenses you incur from your injuries, and paystub to show lost wages.

Contact a Perris Brain Injury Attorney

If an accident affected your head or brain, don’t delay in contacting the highly qualified Perris Brain Injury Attorneys at Walton Law. Our attorneys have spent years providing our clients with compassionate, dedicated, personalized representation and have emerged victorious by recovering millions in compensation for their injuries. Contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (866)-338-7079 or via through our Contact Page to set up your no-risk, no obligation initial case evaluation. You do not pay until we win your case. Let the experienced attorneys at Walton Law review the unique facts of your case, present you with your options, and work to secure the best possible result in your case. We will fight tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve so you can focus on your recovery.