Perris Premises Liability

Normally, guests invited to a property are welcomed with open arms and looked after during their stay. However, it’s far too common for visitors to mistakenly assume the owner of the property has made sure they will be safe while there. It’s not unusual for a visitor be injured by an unsafe condition on someone else’s premises – injuries that can often be severe and life-changing for the victim. A property owner or manager has not kept a visitor safe from hazardous or dangerous conditions and upheld their legal duty, they can be liable for that visitor’s injuries. If you suffered an injury while visiting someone’s property, contact an experienced Perris Premises Liability Attorney today to see if you might be entitled to compensation.

Premises Liability Injury Factors in Perris

With a population of 77,000 and growing, Perris has attractions that bring people to places like Lake Perris or out to the hub of skydiving and hot-air ballooning in the area. The large number of residents moving to the new housing in the area, as well as the tourists coming to visit will most likely all enter premises such as restaurants, retail establishments, and other businesses which all owe them a duty of care as a visitor. Additionally, new construction is occurring every day in the city, and the completion of a Metrolink station in Perris will only attract additional people to its establishments. These factors come together to create a significant level of risk for managers, owners, and caretakers of properties to exercise the appropriate level of care and avoid premises liability claims due to injuries. It also means visitors should exercise care when on properties to be aware of their surroundings and avoid accidental injuries.

Just as in the rest of California, a property owner, caretaker, or manager in Perris is obligated by a legal duty to use reasonable care to keep their premises clear of unsafe or hazardous conditions that could harm visitors. Additionally, a legal duty exists for them to use reasonable care to adequately warn of known conditions or abate them as well as take reasonable care and inspect the property for these conditions. This legal duty, however, does not rise to the level of requiring owners, managers, or caretakers about any hazardous condition to obvious a reasonable person would notice it and make efforts to avoid injury from the hazard.

If the injured victim in a premises liability claim can prove the party controlling the property should have discovered the hazardous condition by exercising reasonable care and inspecting the property but did not, the responsible party is held to have constructive notice of the condition in a premises liability claim.

What Constitutes an Unsafe or Hazardous Condition?

For premises liability claims, California defines both unsafe and hazardous conditions broadly. Many conditions fit the definition, but some are more common than others when it comes to presenting a risk of injury or death to a visitor. Just because a risk is not obvious does not mean it does not qualify as a hazardous condition.

  • Broken handrails and steps;
  • Broken glass;
  • Insufficient security at or near a swimming pool;
  • Insufficient, malfunctioning, or nonexistent lighting on a property;
  • Spilled liquid on the floor of a property;
  • Insufficient, malfunctioning, or nonexistent fire safety systems; and
  • Failing to abate unsafe conditions or warn visitors about known hazardous conditions or conditions they should reasonably know of given proper inspection.

What Injuries Can Qualify for Premises Liability Claims in Perris?

Premises liability claims can arise on any property – government, public, commercial, or residential. Though injuries on another’s property can arise in almost any situation, there are some causes of harm much more common than others.

  • Slip and falls;
  • Faulty escalators;
  • Drownings and diving injuries at pools;
  • Injuries due to elevator drops or faulty doors; and
  • Cuts.

Additionally, part of a property owner’s legal duty extends to providing adequate security on their property and warning visitors of known criminal risks. If a shopping center is aware there have been muggings or assaults in their dark parking lot but do not install or fix lights, warn guests, or take other reasonable measures to abate or warn of the risks to shoppers, if someone has been injured in a later mugging the center may be liable.

What Can I Recover If I Win My Case?

As a victim of a premise liability accident, it’s normal to wonder what compensation you could recover for your claim. If you can show the owner or manager of the property where you were injured was negligent, you may be able to recover damages to compensate you for your injuries. If you can prove them to a court, you may be awarded damages for concrete harms you suffered such as medical bills, lost wages, or property damages. Compensatory damages may also be awarded for less concrete damages such as pain and suffering or loss of consortium.

In some cases, victims may receive damages designed to punish a defendant’s extremely bad behavior and deter them and others from repeating the conduct. These have a high burden of proof and discretionary nature of these damages, it’s advisable to consult an experienced Perris Premises Liability Attorney to properly strategize your case, make arguments, and avoid potentially costly legal pitfalls.

Speak to a Perris Premises Liability Attorney Today

If you were injured by hazardous conditions while visiting some one’s property in Perris or the surrounding area, contact the knowledgeable Perris Premises Liability Attorneys at Walton Law today. Our attorneys have years of experience delivering aggressive, personalized representation for victims just like you and secured millions in compensation for our clients. Contact us at (866)-338-7079 or use our online Contact Page to schedule a risk free, no obligation case review today. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you. The initial consultation is free, and you do not pay until we win your case. Let our attorneys evaluate the facts of your unique situation and secure the best possible outcome so you can focus on getting your life back on track.