Community Involvement

Elder Law & Advocacy Logo

Elder Law & Advocacy – provides advice and advocacy to low-income seniors.

Just in Time Logo

Just in Time for Foster Youth - JIT's mission is to engage a caring community to help transition age foster youth achieve self-sufficiency and well-being

SAY San Diego Logo

SAY San Diego - SAY San Diego's mission is to partner with youth, adults, families, and communities to reach their full potential.


The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) - was founded on the belief that animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans and must be protected under the law.

Safe House Logo

Operation Safe House Riverside County - with Community Support, provides Emergency Shelter, Intervention and Outreach Services to Youth in Crisis.

Legal Foundation of Washington Logo

 Legal Foundation of Washington - helps low income immigrants, seniors, youth, veterans, and others in need navigate complicated civil legal issues.

Wild Whatcom Logo

Wild Whatcom - fosters lifelong connections to nature in our local community. We engage hundreds of children in a variety of year-round programs to help bring the joy of the outdoors.

Reading Legacies

Reading Legacies - provides supportive relationships for all children through family and friends reading aloud with them, with an emphasis on those who are underserved.

Elder Help Logo

Elder Help – provides services to help seniors remain independent and live with dignity in their own homes.

Voices for Children Logo

Voices for Children – provides advocacy for young children in foster care.

Snohomish Community Food Bank Logo

Snohomish Community Food Bank The Snohomish Community Food Bank is a non-profit organization of individuals, churches, businesses, service clubs and other charitable groups who are concerned for the welfare of needy people within the community. This life-giving resource exists to provide basic foods and services to qualified recipients in a caring, dignified and humane manner.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Snohomish County

Boys & Girls Clubs of Snohomish County Since 1946, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Snohomish County has been helping young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

Ronald McDonald House Charities Logo

Ronald McDonald House Charities – provides a “home-away-from-home” for families with children being treated for serious, often life-threatening conditions at local hospitals.

Jacob's House Temecula Logo

Jacob’s House Temecula – provides shelter, services and emotional support to families with a loved one hospitalized with serious conditions.

Monarch School Logo

Monarch School – a public school that is designed to educate homeless kids.

San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program Logo

San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program – provides representation to low-income individuals, prioritizing survivors of domestic violence and their children.

Father Joe's Villages Logo

Father Joe’s Villages – provides essential housing, healthcare, childcare and services to those experiencing homelessness and poverty.

Wounded Warrior Project Logo

Wounded Warrior Project – provides services to our veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury while serving our country.

Brigadoon Service Dogs – provides service dogs for Washington veterans, children and adults with physical, developmental and behavioral health disabilities to promote a more independent and enriched life.

Blue Skies for Children – strives to raise hope and self-esteem by sponsoring enrichment activities and other essentials for homeless, low-income and foster children in Whatcom and Skagit counties.