By law, the staff members employed by California nursing homes are required to report health changes observed in the elders residing in their facilities. Unfortunately, all too often these changes are unreported. The change in condition of a resident may not be reported for a variety of reasons, including fear that the nursing home be may fined for understaffing, or neglecting California elders residing within the facility. In other cases, a resident who has experienced a rapid deterioration in condition, may indicate that isolation, neglect, or even abuse is occurring within a facility. Failure to report changes in condition to an elder's doctor and family members is a violation of the law. Changes in an elder's condition which must be reported may include, but is not limited to:
- Cracked lips, or sores in and around the mouth
- Noticeably dry skin
- Eyes which appear sunken in
- Disorientation/Confusion
- Fever and/or thirst
- Rapid weight loss
- Bed sores
- Broken bones
- Your loved one's doctor.
- Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program. They provide a 24/7 Crisis Complaint Hotline at 800-231-4024.
- Adult Protective Services (APS). In San Diego County, you may contact: San Diego County Aging and Independent Services (858) 495-5660, or the Eldercare Locator help line at 1-800-677-1116.
- Your Department of Public Health Licensing Office.
- Local Law Enforcement, including the Police, Sheriff, and District Attorney's office. The San Diego County Sheriff's department can be reached at (858) 565-5200. The San Diego County District Attorney may be reached at 619-531-4040.