While Mandated Reporters are required to report elder abuse within 48 hours and know who to report the abuse to, many non-mandated reporters suspect Elder Abuse, but don’t know where…
In its simplest form, financial elder abuse involves taking money or property from an elderly person with the intent to defraud them. It is a growing problem in California given…
The use of physical and chemical restraints in California nursing homes is sometimes a necessary way of protecting patients from injuring themselves and others. When used excessively and, more importantly,…
The elderly are prime targets for financial scams. Persons over the age of 50 control over 70% of the nation’s wealth. Yet senior citizens are more likely to have disabilities…
Contrary to what the nursing home industry wants us to believe, bedsores can be prevented. A bedsore, also commonly referred to as a pressure ulcer or decubitus ulcer, is basically…
It is an unfortunate fact that elder abuse is a common and growing problem in San Diego and throughout the United States. Abuse of the elderly can take many forms,…
We all have family members that we love and want only the best for. As our parents and other family members reach an age where they may need assisted living…
When considering types of elder abuse, neglect and abandonment often come to mind. It is an unpleasant fact however, that elder abuse can and does take many different forms. Financial…
According to a recent report from the Associated Press, elderly residents of nursing homes who are considered to be challenging to care for are often targeted for eviction, and sometimes abuse. Those advocating on behalf of elderly nursing home residents, as well as the disabled elderly, argue that nursing home staff and caregivers are sometimes unwilling to meet the challenges certain elderly residents and patients present, and so steps are undertaken to have these elderly residents evicted from their nursing home facilities.
Nursing homes in San Diego have a legal responsibility to ensure that residents are properly nourished. Nursing home staff must monitor residents during mealtime to ensure that all residents are being properly fed. Likewise, failure to provide appropriately nutritious meals is a serious form of senior neglect.