Elder abuse is an epidemic affecting elders of all ethnicities, socioeconomic groups and genders. Any elder, but particularly those suffering from diminished mental acuity, or declining physical wellness can become a victim of opportunistic law breakers. Evidence of how widespread elder abuse has become, recently came to light once again with the announcement that Mickey Rooney's attorneys had finally reached a settlement with Rooney's stepson, who was charged with financially abusing his famous and wealthy stepfather. Indeed, more than two years after Rooney, then 90 years old, spoke to a special Senate Committer about being a victim of financial elder abuse, the case against his stepson has been settled for $2.8 Million. His stepson admitted to "siphoning" money from his famous father. Unfortunately, since the settlement has been reached, his stepson has filed bankruptcy, so recovering the money for Rooney may still prove a challenge. However, by using his celebrity to illuminate the fact that any elder can become victim of elder abuse, Rooney has done a great service to working towards the prevention of elder abuse. California elder abuse attorneys are increasingly being called upon to litigate claims relating to financial elder abuse. Financial elder abuse law in California has changed significantly over the past several years. The law has changed over time to broaden the definition of financial elder abuse and to strengthen the legal system's position against those who set out to take advantage of the elderly. If you know or suspect someone is the victim of financial elder abuse, an experienced California elder abuse attorney can help. Financial abuse victims can be entitled to various compensatory damages under California law, including attorney's fees and costs. Christopher Walton is dedicated to defending the rights of elder abuse victims and ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve. Call (866) 338-7079 for a confidential consultation.
Elder Abuse Does Not Discriminate: Even Celebrities Become Victims