Females are More Likely to be Abused, Studies Show
Nearly 70% of elder abuse victims are women, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. It is worth noting that the population of elder women is much larger than the population of elderly men in the United States, however, that does not make these alarming statistics any less disturbing.
Why are women the victims of elder abuse more often than men? There are a few reasons most experts tend to agree upon.
- Elderly females may be seen as easier targets for physical, financial, emotional, or even sexual abuse.
- Women tend to live longer than men, and many live alone, putting them in a position where they may be more likely to be abused.
- Women tend to develop crippling physical diseases such as osteoporosis, which may take a long time to recover from.
Statistics conclusively show that elders who are disabled are far more likely to be abused than those who are not. As a matter of fact, according to the
National Center on Elder Abuse, Administration on Aging:
"Institutionalized adult women with disabilities reported a 33% prevalence of having ever experienced interpersonal violence (IPV) versus 21% for institutionalized adult women without disabilities... when considering lifetime abuse by any perpetrator, a sample of 200 adult women with disabilities indicated that 67% had experienced physical abuse and 53% had experienced sexual abuse."
Elderly women are far more likely to be sexually abused than men. Reports in the Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect found that elderly women were six times more likely to be sexually abused than elderly men. Sexual abuse of elderly women occurs most often in nursing homes, or other assisted living facilities.
If you suspect that an elder -- whether male or female -- is being abused, it is vital to report your concerns immediately. Under California law, elder abuse can be both a criminal and civil offense. The state of California has taken a firm stance and zero tolerance policy towards elder abuse in any capacity. As part of their mission to encourage all Californians to report suspected elder abuse, the state has created The Citizen's Guide To Preventing and Reporting Elder Abuse, which can be viewed in its entirety
If you believe an elder you know is being abused in any capacity while residing in a California nursing home, report it to the following agencies immediately:
- Local Law Enforcement, including the Police, Sheriff, and District Attorney's office. The San Diego County Sheriff's department can be reached at (858) 565-5200. The San Diego County District Attorney may be reached at 619-531-4040.
- Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program provide a 24/7 Crisis Complaint Hotline at 800-231-4024.
- Adult Protective Services (APS). In San Diego County, you may contact: San Diego County Aging and Independent Services (858) 495-5660.
Christopher C. Walton was named to the 2014 Southern California Super Lawyer List, and also named a 2014 Top Attorney in San Diego, California. Walton Law, APC focuses its practice on nursing home abuse, elder abuse & neglect. If you believe you or somebody you know has been subjected to abuse or neglect while residing in a nursing home, contact Chris at (866) 338-7079 for a free and confidential consultation.