It has been a while since we have written about the dangers of falsified medical records in Southern California nursing homes, but that is not because the problem has been resolved. On the contrary, falsified or inaccurate medical records occur with alarming frequency, and they can have life threatening consequences for elders residing in nursing homes. Technology has made it easier for some nursing home employees to falsify medical records. In some cases, elder abuse attorneys are able to employ the services of forensic computer experts who can review and analyze electronic data with incredible skill to identify any evidence of medical record tampering. Elder abuse attorneys will look for signs that medical records have been: •Destroyed •Backdated •Forged •Deleted •Modified Falsifying medical records of elders is a misdemeanor under California law. The California Code of Regulations and Business and Professions Code both require mandatory reporting of the offense. Nevertheless, this is what some nursing homes in California do "to get the work done." Nursing assistants admit to charting "in bulk," documenting medication and treatment that were never given. Some even re-create records to hide neglectful care of elders in Southern California nursing homes. Others falsify forms to sedate patients or backdate forged documents to settle disputes. In a practice where providers rely upon the accuracy of medical charts, sloppy or fraudulent record-keeping takes a serious human toll. If you suspect that a California nursing facility is falsifying patient records, you should consider contacting an ombudsman and the Califorinia Department of Public Health. You may also consider contacting an attorney that has successfully handled elder abuse cases involving falsified or fraudulent records. Walton Law, APC has obtained substantial compensation for victims of financial and physical elder abuse throughout California. We can be reached at (866) 338-7079 for a confidential consultation today.
Inaccuracies & Falsifications of Medical Charts in Southern California Nursing Homes