How many of us rely on Yelp! to find a new restaurant? Or look for a new handyman on Angieslist? We do so because we want to know if a place is up to par, don't we? We enjoy reading about the experiences that others have had with a particular establishment. I'm happy to report that this concept has been expanded to include California nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities and long term residential facilities. The website offering these reviews is The best way to put an end to elder abuse is to prevent it from even happening in the first place. By researching the reviews of people who have had actual experience with various nursing homes and residential facilities for the elderly in California, you may save yourself a great deal of heartache in the future. On, you are also able to view photos of facilities, arrange visits to specific California elder care facilities, and once you have visited, post your own review. You can also sign up for email alerts about particular nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The website claims to receive more than 500 new reviews per week. Elder abuse is a growing epidemic of financial, physical, and chemical abuse that elders suffer at the hands of those charged with caring for them. There is simply no excuse for taking advantage of those who may be most susceptible to being victimized. Elder abuse in California takes the forms of neglect, financial abuse, physical abuse & restraints, sexual abuse, chemical abuse and medication errors. If you suspect an elder is being abused while in a long term nursing facility in California, err on the side of caution and report your suspicions. Our elderly citizens deserve to be treated with dignity and respect in their later years, and as such every resident of a long term care facility in California is granted certain rights. If you suspect that these rights are being violated, contact Adult Protective Services, an Ombudsman and/or an elder abuse attorney immediately. Christopher C. Walton is a San Diego, California elder abuse attorney whose practice is dedicated to issues involving elder abuse & neglect. If you believe you or somebody you know has been subjected to abuse while as a resident of a nursing home, contact Chris at (866) 338-7079 for a free and confidential consultation. Cases are handled on a contingency basis. Read Reviews About California Nursing Homes