In one of the more visible and deplorable recent cases of elder abuse in Southern California, Judge Angel Bermudez has ordered 47 year old Gregory Cornelius to stand trial on charges of attempted murder against his 73 year old mother. According to the Associated Press, JoAnn Cornelius told police officers in April of 2012 that her son had duct taped her to a chair, taken away her glasses and hearing aids, and cut off her oxygen. When police arrived at her home in The Colony retirement community, officers found 73 year old Joann bleeding and struggling to breathe. She also had bruises covering her face and arms, and was ultimately found to have six broken ribs. Initial reports have indicated that Gregory Cornelius was living with his mother and he was angry she didn't do his laundry. After hearing testimony Judge Bermudez said there was enough evidence to order Gregory Cornelius, to stand trial, and set his bail at $2 million. If convicted he faces life in prison. Elder abuse in California is both a criminal and civil offense. Criminal elder abuse describes the willful infliction of physical or emotional suffering on an elder. Civil elder abuse includes any physical or financial abuse, neglect or abandonment resulting in physical or mental harm. If you suspect an elder is being abused by a family member in a private residence, contact your local Adult Protective Services Agency (APS). The APS provides assistance to adults and elderly who are functionally impaired, and who may be victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation. All APS agencies in California have a 24/7 hotline that may be called to report suspected abuse. For more information in San Diego County, you may contact: San Diego County Aging and Independent Services 9335 Hazard Way, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 495-5660. Christopher C. Walton is a San Diego elder abuse attorney whose practice is dedicated to issues involving elder abuse & neglect. If you or somebody you know shows signs of neglect or abuse please call us at (866) 338-7079 for a free and confidential consultation with an elder abuse attorney.
Son To Stand Trial For Attempted Murder Of 73 Year Old Mother